Does VVDI2 Basic support Peugeot Citroen?

Xhorse VVDI2 Key Programmer

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Yes! VVDI 2 basic  (SV86-C) can work on PSA vehicles.

VVDI2 basic features and functions:

1.Key programmer

Program key chip
Generate specialized chips
Immobilizer data processing tool
Other key tools
Generate remote control

2.Passthru J2534 Introduction

With built-in switch matrix, it supports third-party diagnostic software including: ODIS, Toyota TIS techstream etc.
To perform VVDI2 diagnostic function, third-party diagnostic software should be compatible with J2534 function.

3.PSA function

VVDI2 tests on PSA vehicles:

VVDI2 PSA reviews:


Good to know: Price List if you want more activation on VVDI2 basic

List Function
1. VK-01 Transponder programmer
2. VJ-01 Passthru J2534
3. VV-01 VAG 4th immobilizer +820USD
4. VV-02 VAG 5th immobilizer +260USD (SV86-2)
5. VB-01 BMW OBD +569USD (SV86-3)
6. VB-02 BMW CAS4 +199USD  (SV86-4)
7. VP-01 Poreche immo data (if open other authorization, active for free)
8. PS-01 PSA
9. VV-03 VAG copy48 Pay 150USD
10. VB-03 BMW FEM/BDC Pay 600USD or Pay 800USD
11. VV-04 Copy 48 Transponder (96 bit) Pay 250USD
12. VV-05 VAG MQB immobilizer order VV-04 get this for free

VVDI 2 Full vs. VVDI2 Basic:

VVDI2 Full (SV86) VVDI2 Basic (SV86-C)
Price 2029USD 469USD
Transponder programmer VK-01
Passthru J2534
Porsche immo data VP-01 (if you open VB-02 or VV-02, we active this for free for you)
VAG 4th immobilizer VV-01 +820USD
VAG 5th immobilizer VV-02 +299USD (SV86-2)
BMW OBD  VB-01 +639USD (SV86-3)
BMW CAS4 VB-02 +235USD(SV86-4)
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