How to Use Xhorse Multi-Prog in Offline Mode?

Xhorse Multi-Prog

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Here share the guide to help you operate your Xhorse Multi Prog ECU Programmer in offline mode.


1.Software Version 4.0 or Later

Ensure your Multi Prog software is updated to version 4.0 or later, as earlier versions may not support offline functionality.

2.Offline License

Obtain an offline license from the manufacturer or an authorized distributor. This license is essential for enabling offline operations.

3.Pre-Loaded Data

Before going offline, load all necessary data, such as device configurations and programming files, onto the software.

Functions Available in Offline Mode:

While in offline mode, you can perform the following tasks:

  • Read and Write Device Configurations
  • Program Specific Devices
  • Check Device Information


Functions requiring a server connection, such as advanced diagnostics or online programming, are not available in offline mode.

By meeting these requirements and understanding the limitations, you can efficiently use your Multi Prog in offline mode.

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