Old vs. New Xhorse Iscancar OBD2 Scan Tool

Xhorse Iscancar

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Here, we’ll talk about the new Xhorse Iscancar mm007 and old Iscancar hand-held diagnostic tools.


Some differences will be listed here:


  1. Available or not:

The new one is released in the year 2018 and still available in the market while the old has stopped production for more than 5 years.


  1. Look

The new iscancar tool is grey but the old is red.

And the new is marked with “MM-007” on the back.


  1. Update

The new Iscancar mm007 keeps update but the old Iscancar cannot be updated anymore.

If you cannot the old one to Xhorse upgrade kit, the device cannot be found.


Failed to update the old Iscancar (always reading device…)

Managed to update the new Iscancar MM007

source: http://www.xhorsetool.com/wholesale/xhorse-iscancar-vag-mm-007-diagnostic-and-maintenance-tool.html


Hardware version: 1.0.0
Software version: 2.3.2


VAG MM-007 Language: English, Chinese

Basic function: 

Support controller diagnostic, such as basic setting, channel adaption, read DTC, clear DTC, system login etc.


Guide function: 

There are many commonly used functions. We have simplified the process so you can follow more easily.


Special function: 

OBD read PINs, adaption after replacing controller, gateway register etc.


Write data record: 

When replacing new controller, you must write data record online or the controller will not work correctly.
Now you can use this diagnostic tool to write data record offline. And you can active some functions like MKE etc.


Example for write data record:
1.PQ35 gateway 7N0907530AN: active MKE. after writing data record, you can set MKE on dashboard.

2.MQB gateway 5Q0907530AJ: active MKE. after writing data record, you can set MKE on dashboard.

3.PQ35 replace kessy 5K0959434B: before writing data, there’s a DTC “no basic setting”, the car can’t find keys. After writing data the DTC disappear, the car can find keys.

4.MQB replace kessy 5Q0959435A: before writing data, there’s a DTC 10478040(invalid data record), the car can’t find keys. After writing data the DTC disappear, the car can find keys.

5.MQB front camera 5Q0980653G: before writing data, there’s a DTC 0649 (invalid data record), after writing data the DTC disappear.

6.MQB new ACC 5Q0907561A: before writing data, there’s a DTC” invalid data record”, after writing data the DTC disappear.

7.PQ Xenon 5M0907273F: before writing data, there’s a DTC 10478040 (invalid data record), after writing data the DTC disappear.

8.PQ tire pressure monitor 3AA907273D: before writing data, there’s a DTC 12652550 (invalid data record), the controller don’t work, after writing data the DTC disappear, you can set tire pressure on the dashboard.

9.MQB new DCC 5Q0907376: before writing date, there’s a DTC 813056 (invalid data record), after writing data the DTC disappear.

10.MQB parking assistance 5Q0919298K: before writing data, there’s a DTC 10478040 (invalid data record), after writing data the DTC disappear.



Essential Function of Refitment and Maintenance:

Many functions are very useful for refitment and maintenance, such as controller replacement, throttle adaptation and EPB replace brake pads. In addition, further functions will be added continuously.


Built-in database:

There’s a built-in database in the diagnostic tool. Users can write data record without online account. It has already supported many controllers, and more data will be continuously added.


Technical Support: 

Xhorse technical support team is professional and efficient, online technical support for free.

Provide lifelong after-sale perfect service guarantee customer trouble free operation of machine.

Consider about customer feedback suggestion and requirement carefully.

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