Toyota G transponder 47 cloning with MINI Keytool + Super Chip

VVDI super chip

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Test report: VVDI mini keytool + super chip work for Toyota G transponder 47 cloning


You should have:

Toyota key

vvdi super chip

mini key tool

mobile for xhorse app

The test starts here…

Transponder: ID47 chip

Select: ID47-HONDA G

Transponder: VVDI XT27

Put the XT27 transponder into the coil

detecting transponder…

the vvdi mini key tool version 1.1.1 is working

Transponder generation: success!

Again, go to transponder clone

Put the transponder into the coil position to detect

Type: transponder 47

Specific model: Toyota G

Specific chip: PCF7953x

ID: xxxxxxxx

Status: Unlocked

Blank or not: Blank

Clonable or not: Unclonable

All done!


(Thanks for Andrew)

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