(03.2018) VVDI KEY TOOL iOS Android APP Update

VVDI Key Tool

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VVDI KEY TOOL APP latest version update.(IOS version 1.2.0 Android version 1.2.1).IOS please download from APP store search ‘VVDI’ or ‘KEYTOOL’Android download from google play search ‘VVDI’.

Update details:

IOS update
APP available only after update
1.add query bonus points function;
2.prepare remote add feedback function;
3.optimized interface.

Android update
Android system 8.0 version might be with problem when updating, if update failed please search VVDI or KEY TOOL to download the latest APP version at google play.
1.add query bonus points function;
2.prepare remote add feedback function;
3.optimized interface.
4.fix 96bit copy 48 online calculation problem
5.fix other bugs

Notes: please use the latest software version.

VVDI Key Tool info:


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