VVDI2 6.6.6 Update – Chinese Database?

Xhorse VVDI2 Key Programmer

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VVDI2 is updated to version 6.6.6.

Date: Sept. 19th, 2019
Firmware requirement: V6.6.5

VVDI2 6.6.6 released note:

VAG V6.6.6
1. Bugfix for read touareg ECU PIN code(ME7)
2. Improvement for autodetect VAG immobilizer system
3. Bugfix
BMW V6.6.6
1. Improvement for CAS4/CAS4+ key learning
2. Bugfix
Transponder Programmer V6.6.6
1. Special transponder: Bugfix for Buick excelle XT 4D 80Bit
2. Special transponder: Bugfix for Buick excelle 4D 80Bit
3. Immobilizer data tool: Asia->Nissan->Cima 93C46 4D
4. Bugfix

VVDI2 6.6.6 download link:


VVDI2 6.6.6  remote database in Chinese:

You might see some description in Chinese in your remote database.

No worries! there’s nothing wrong with your update, vvdi2 6.6.6.

It’s because the translation has not done by Xhorse.

Will update soon…Thanks for your time!

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