VW Jetta 2012 – vvdi2 and vvdi prog

Can I do vw Jetta 2012
Push to start ?
If yes what Is the process please?
I have vvdi2 and prog 

Tip 1: Have the right key first then go into service mode and make dealer key , after that learn all keyless go to the car putting the new numbers of keys count and interacting them to the coil below steering wheel gl

(credits to the contributor Omar Attili)

Tip 2: If it’s not all keys lost you can do all obd. If akl service mode and you’ll have to short a fuse to get ignition on. But as said above make sure you have the right key first

(credits to the contributor Bojan Manojlovic)


Feedback: I did regular key and the car running good.

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