Tokens are required when:
- copy 48 96 bit using vvdi2, key tool, mini key tool
add new keys with one key available=1 token
(cannot work for all keys lost)
- calculate password using vvdi mb tool
add new keys with one key available=1 token
program new keys when all keys lost= 2 tokens
Tokens for sale:
1 token used at any time: 25 usd
5 token used at any time: 120 usd
unlimited tokens for a year: 380 usd
Note: with the price above, it takes 2-3 days to add tokens
if you need tokens in hurry, you should pay 35 usd for each token. then tokens will be added to your tool soon.
the day you pay for tokens = the day you get tokens
pls contact @Laura in the xhorse group