Which Housing Keys Work with Xhorse Condor XC Mini Plus II?

Condor XC-Mini Plus

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I want to know what housing keys are in the database of the Condor mini plus 2? WILKA and ABUS keys are popular in Europe. The question is whether it will be possible to duplicate this key from the code. Is there a chance to get some photos from the database of these keys?

Here is the answer from other customer:

I own a Condor XC Mini Plus II key cutting machine and it has a lot of key types in the 100s for house keys.

I can’t possible take pictures of all of them. Here are some Wilka housing keys types for reference.


  • Wilka TH6 Carat P1
  • Wilka TH6 PR100
  • Wilka W3600

You can also offer the key type you want to our customer service for checking.

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