Xhorse Audi Universal Remote Key Review

Xhorse remote key

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XHORSE VVDI2 Audi A6L Q7 Type Universal Remote Key 3 Buttons is compatible with Audi A6L Q7,it can also be used to match other brands of cars, to change the key shell.

XKA600EN VVDI2 Audi A6L Q7 Type Universal Remote Key 3 Buttons
Car Model For Audi A6L Q7
Compatible cars For Audi A6L Q7& other cars
Remote functions Door locking and unlocking, trunk unlocking
Remote generation method Generated by the connection of remote programming cable
The programmer to generate remote vvdi2 .vvdi key tool.mini key tool.VVDI KEY TOOL MAX
Remote match Manually & VVDI KEY TOOL MAX + obd2 or the other machines
Language English
Generation times Generate repeatedly
Voltage 3V
Outlook abs material
Support retrofit (buy extra adapter)
Retrofit of mechanical lock Small key, card spring type, cutting [xhorse key cutting machine, manual key cutting machine]
Retrofit of boot chip Support glass tube transponder, super chip, and other ceramic tube transponder
Transponder copy and programming Tools to copy: vvdi key tool.mini key tool.VVDI KEY TOOL MAX
Tools to program: obdstar xtool k518 ikey820 etc
Install battery CR2032

XKA600EN wireless remote control function. After successfully matching through the device generation, you can control the door lock, door auto lock, and trunk opening.

Remote frequency will automatically generate according to the selected car model.

The installation of small keys is available.

(small keys can be folded, and can be replaced.)

Support the retrofit of one straight key to a folding key, support the retrofit of the discrete key. The key teeth need to be cut by a cutting machine.

Boot chip can be loaded, which needs to be copied or programmed to start vehicle.


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