Xhorse Key Tool Plus Function FAQs: Support or Not

VVDI Key Tool

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Here is the collection of Xhorse key tool plus faqs including language and fucntions.
Q: Can I transfer data like eeprom,To my laptop or usb stick?
enter the i.xhorse.com
and input your ID and password which your register on Xhorse app.
Then you can download the data.
Q: I want to add the French language, but when change it to French, system bug, why?
A: So sorry, this moment, the language is Only English.
other language is still in updating.
Q: Key tool plus need tokens?
A: Yes,for mercedes caculation and all keys lost, need tokens.
and Copy 48 96bit need tokens.
Read Xhorse bonus points for copy 48 96 bit (100 points) and mercedes calcuation(200 points).
It can bind with key cutting machine, the mercedes calcuation can get 1 day a free token
Q:Key tool plus dose FRM repair?
A:No support.
Q:VVDI Key tool Plus support Reset Mileage for BMW Fem?
A:No support.
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