Audi RB8 2004+ Instument Cluster Error L7 after Key Learning


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Topic: Audi RB8 2004+ Instument Cluster Error L7 after Key Learning Solution 

Maybe for somebody can help I post my story with Audi A6 2006 lost key situation.

The client had lost remote key and did tried to start the car with service plastic key (with id48 tp inside) and no success. Maybe somebody before did program other keys and forgot about the service key.
Dash shows “L7 2-2” instead of mileage.

I did precoded id48 for Audi with Tag Key tool from FVDI and did program again using both options standard/wizard learning option from VAG Commander v24. If not detected automatically select “Audi RB8 2004+ …” option, fill how many keys you want to program and hit learn without filling the PIN.
The system will work smooth and program the keys just follow on screen instructions.

Tip: Because RB4/RB8 is crypto even if you have good PIN is not accepting the code.

In this case after learning the system did not return to L6 state (normal mode) and immediately shows mileage.

In some cases “L0 2-2” it shows when accidental learning procedure is stopped (power lost etc).

To solve this read instrument cluster eeprom and change the state from 7 to 6 and hit update.

That it.

Good luck and please excuse my rough language or my lack of technical details.

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