Tips and guides for every time you need to calculate password with 1 or 2 token(s) when you add a new key to Mercedes -Benz, even with all keys lost using VVDI MB TOOL
1. When password is required?
You need password when add a new keys or do all keys lost
When a token is necessary?
The token is not necessary all the time. only required when the password cannot be read out automatically. if vvdi mb cannot read out the pass, you need a token for password calculation
2. Calculation password free or not?
Free but need token
3. 1 or 2 tokens?
It depends. add new keys with one key available=1 token;
program new keys when all keys lost= 2 tokens
4. All key lost =1 token?
Nope. 2 tokens for all keys lost
5. All Mercedes cars requires tokens for password calculation?
Yep. All need tokens
6. Where to get tokens for pass calculation?
Look here:
you can buy token for 1 or 5 times or for no limitation for 1 year.
7. How much?
It depends.
1 token used at any time: 25 usd
5 token used at any time: 120 usd
unlimited tokens for a year: 380 usd