Xhorse VVDI2 V7.3.0 Free Download and Update Notice

Xhorse VVDI2 Key Programmer

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The newest software of Xhorse VVDI2 key programmer is V7.3.0 now. It added 8A smart key/ 4D+ transponder key via OBDII, improved the autodetect for VAG immobilizer system and prepare remote function, etc.

V7.3.0 VVDI2 Update Info (2023-01-07):

!!!This version requires update firmware V7.3.0!!!

===== VAG V7.3.0 =====

1. Improve autodetect for VAG immobilizer system

2. Bugfix

===== BMW V7.3.0 =====

1. Support make dealer keys for motorcycle (Contact dealer for license)

 1). Support 8A smart key via OBDII (Require XM38 motor remote)

 2). Support 4D+ transponder key via OBDII (Require VVDI super chip)

2. Bugfix

===== Porsche V7.3.0 =====

1. Bugfix

===== PSA V7.3.0 =====

1. Bugfix

===== Transponder Programmer V7.3.0 =====

1. Improvement prepare remote function

2. Immobilizer data tool: Euro->Opel->IMMO-1->68HC05 bugfix

3. Bugfix

===== Copy 48 (96 bits) V7.3.0 =====

1. Bugfix

===== J2534 V7.3.0 =====

1. Bugfix

===== Online Upate Tool V7.3.0 =====

1. Bugfix

===== Quick Start V7.3.0 =====

1.       Bugfix

Free Download VVDI2 V7.3.0 Software


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