VVDI PROG V5.2.6 Free Download and Update Notice

Xhorse VVDI Prog

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VVDI Prog software has been updated to V5.2.6, check the related update notice and free download it with the available link.

Free download Xhorse VVDI Prog V5.2.6

(Size: 1.61GB, password: 123456)

V5.2.6 VVDI PROG Update info:

Update date: 2023-3-24

* This version DON’t need update firmware

* The software added the function of saving read data to temporary file if read data fails.

* Modify MQB-LOCK (D70F35xx) option in <5-DASHBOARD>-><VOLKSWAGEN>:

Optimize the process and wiring diagram update.

Note: it still needs sync files for all keys lost.



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