VVDI2 V4.5.0 download: ALL users MUST update to VVDI2 latest version 4.5.0!!

Xhorse VVDI2 Key Programmer

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(2017-09-07) Attention please. Xhorse vvdi2 software latest  version V4.5.0 is released and ALL USERS ARE REQUIREWD TO UPDATE VVDI2 software and firmware to version 4.5.0!!

Xhorse warnings:

  1. All customers should update the software to V4.5.0, and use the latest software to synchronize your device
  2. Update firmware v4.5.0 require the latest online update tool v4.5.0 version
  3. Please download latest install software first then update firmware

Xhorse vvdi2 4.5.0:


VVDI2 4.5.0 software download:


VVDI2 4.5.0 update information:
===== VAG V4.5.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== BMW V4.5.0 =====
1. Improvement for BMW FEM/BDC key learn
2. Bugfix
===== Porsche V4.5.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== PSA V4.5.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V4.5.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== J2534 V4.5.0 =====
1. Bugfix

How to update VVDI2 firmware to v4.5.0:

1) Close other VVDI2 programs, connect VVDI2 to PC with USB cable

2) Choose VVDI2 firmware version from Firmware List

3) Press button Update Online, wait the progress end

4) If failed to get firmware list or get something like “communicate with server error!” while update your device, close antivirus and firewall programs, try again. Change your internet provider once failed again

5) DON’T shutdown your PC or disconnect USB cable while update device

While you use VAG, BMW, Transponder Programmer programs, if you get some window like (PICTUREs shown as follows), that means your tool have newest software released. Please download newest software with Update Online

Latest Update Information

This function require internet support

Use “Menu->Software Update ->Latest Update Information” to obtain VVDI2 latest update information

History Update Information

Use “Menu->Software Update ->History Update Information” to obtain VVDI2 history update information

How to install VVDI2 4.5.0 software and driver:

Step 1: Install VVDI 2 software

Open VVDI2 software folder

Install VVDI2-Insatller.exe setup

Select software language

Install VVDI2 Setup Wizard, click on “Next

Save file to C: \Program Files \VVI2\VVDI2 \, click on Next

click on “Install

Install VVDI Device FDTI CDM Driver

NOTE: If you install VVDI2 software (any version) for the first time, you need to select “Next”, otherwise, select “Cancel

Device drivers are installed. click on “Finish

VVDI2 software has been successfully installed. click on “Close


Step 2: Install VVDI2 driver


Generally, VVDI2 driver will be installed automatically. If driver installation failed or programs cannot connect to VVDI2, you need install driver manually.


Manual Install Driver

Open My Computer-> Manager-> Device Manager

Open windows explorer, right click on “My computer” and select “Properties

Open “System properties

Select “Hardware”-> “Device Manager”, open Device Manager

Install Bus driver: Disconnect other USB cable from PC (Mouse and keyboard should keep connect)

VVDI 2 install with other version drivers: In select “Universal Serial Bus controllers”-> “USB Serial Converter”, double click on on it, get properties window:

click on Driver tab.: “Driver Date” should be 3/18/2011, “Driver Version” should be If driver date and driver version are set right, do not install driver again. If not set correctly, install driver with following steps.

Select “Driver”-> “Update Driver”. Open “Hardware Update Wizard

Select “Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)”, click on “Next

Select “Don’t search. I will choose the driver to install”. click on “Next” Sometimes you will get directly, at this situation, go to next 2 steps.

Select “Universal Serial Bus controllers”, click on “Next

Select “Hard Disk….”, get install from disk window

Input absolute path for USB driver folder in install directory (Browse…and choose install directory, or you can find the path from Start->Programs->VVDI2->USB Drivers). Press OK and wait complete.

Sometimes system will ask again for “Are you sure to install this drivers?”, click on “Continue”

VVDI2 is not recognized: you can find VVDI2 (yellow mark) in “Other devices” list from Device Manager. Double click on get properties window.

Then install driver accord VVDI2 install with other version drivers.

Verify Bus Driver: Open properties window after install driver. click on Driver tab.

Check “Update Date”=3/18/2011

“Driver Version”=

VVDI2 4.5.0 software and drivers installation completed

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