Xhorse VVDI PROG Clone W212 Front Sam

Xhorse VVDI Prog

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How to use Xhorse VVDI Prog Programmer to clone Front Sam Module (Signal Acquisition and Actuation & Central Gateway) for Mercedes Benz W212? Programming two unsecured Processors 3M25J (EEPROM & Flash)? Check the details below.

Connection diagram:

Follow the diagram to connect VVDI Prog and W212 small and big chip correctly

VVDI Prog software menu path:


Main steps:

1.Read and save original W212 EEPROM and Flash data of Small chip

2.Read and save original W212 EEPROM and Flash data of Big chip

3.Read and save the new W212 EEPROM and Flash data of Big chip

4.Write the original EEPROM and Flash data of Big chip into the new W212

5.Read and save new W212 EEPROM and Flash data of Small chip

6.Write the original EEPROM and Flash data of Small chip into the new W212

All works fine!

VVDI Prog Programmer clone Benz W212 Front Sam successfully.

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