35160DW chip does NOT cover 35128WT


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Fyi, the Xhorse 35160dw chip now supports M35080, M35080-3, M35080-6, M35080V6, M35080VP, D80D0WQ, 160D0WQ, 36160WT but CANNOT cover 35128WT (but will cover 35128 in the near future)

Hextag reading 2kb that’s the problem.
35128WT should have 16kb – it’s 8 times bigger.
I tried allredy read it with vvdi with chip soldered to that adapter and error – adapter not connected…
But on the picture under 35128 is 080 adapter

http://blog.xhorsetool.com/how-to-use-35160dw-chip-for-vvdi-prog-readswrites-mileages/  – this option doesn’t work.
Reads only 2kb instead 16kb.


Tested by Tom Kedra from https://www.facebook.com/groups/xhorsetools/

Confirmed by xhorsetool.com

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