VVDI Key Tool clone Honda 46 Chip Transponder

VVDI Key Tool

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VVDI Key Tool User Manual: How to use vvdi key tool to clone a transponder Honda ID46 chip.

Start vvdi key tool

Enter “TP Clone”

Please insert the original key into left coil according to the ic,and press OK to clone.

Do like the menu shows in the VVDI Key Tool machine.

Put the top antenna near the ignition coil, press OK button to sniff data.

Turn on the ignition one time with the car’s key.

Keep the cars’s key in the left coil, then press OK button to calculate the password.

Calculate OK.

Put a new 7936 or SN-02 in the coil, Press OK to clone data.

TP Clone successfully with VVDI KEY TOOL

Test the new key

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