VVDI Keytool and 2004 JDM Subaru SG9 Forester STI: Success!

VVDI Key Tool

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Is the Keytool possible to make remotes to 2004 JDM Subaru SG9 Forester STI?

Yes, tested successfully with VVDI Key Tool! 2004 JDM Subaru SG9 Forester STI , 4d immo chip clone and 315mhz remote generation (manual pairing) successful! 😁

I simply cloned the immo chip and then generated remote (of the correct frequency, 315 FSK in this case) to a blank xhorse remote. Then remove kick panel, the car goes into pairing mode (beeping/interior light flashing) at which point you press unlock twice and lock twice on each remote you wait to pair.

But on some models of Subaru you need to hold the unlock button at the same time as pressing the remote buttons to pair, but not on this JDM Forester. I think maybe you need to try generating a different remote type, there’s a few options.


Tested by Murray Storm‎ 

Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/xhorsetools/

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