Two ways to use the key biting to make key on Dolphin XP-005

Condor Dolphin

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How to use cut by bitting on Xhorse Dolphin XP-005?

Two ways to use the key biting to make a key.

Method 1: Making a key without the original key

1.Use some special tool to get the key bitting

2.Break down the lock to read the key bitting on each metal of lock


Click on “Cut by Bitting”

Select a key blank type

Select the key type

Follow the picture show to fix the key

Select proper side of clamp and fix the key in correct position

Put in the key bitting and check all the information before you click on “Cutting key” for making new key

Method 2: Making a key with the original key

Click on “Cut by bitting” and select a key blank type

Select the key type

Click on “Decode Key” to duplicate key bitting

Click on “Cutting Key”

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