Xhorse VVDI2 Unlock BMW CAS4 and Program New Key

Xhorse VVDI2 Key Programmer

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Xhorse VVDI2 key programmer unlocked CAS4 module and added a spare key on BMW F02 750 Li

by bench with BMW CAS4/CAS4+ Test Platform successfully.


VVDI2 key programmer

Cas4 Bench Platform

BMW CAS4 module

Original BMW key

New key

Operation process:

Connect VVDI2, Cas4 Bench Platform and BMW CAS4 module properly

Run VVDI2 software, select “Auto Detect” and “Connect”

Detect the car info successfully. It’s CAS4/CAS4+ F series type. The current key in ignition switch is key 1.

Click “Unlock CAS4/CAS4+”

Confirm to unlock, and save the file

Writing coding…

Unlock CAS4/CAS4+ successfully

Start the engine first

Then click “Get key info”

This unit doesn’t need programming, you can perform other operation directly.

Select one unused key (i.e. key4) and click “Prepare dealer key with programmer”

Record the CAS, key and ECU ISN info

Input the original key into the detection coil of VVDI2 Programmer

Then input the new key into the VVDI2 Programmer hole

Write key successfully

Learn the key with the CAS4/CAS4+ Test Platform, no need write back EEPROM

Finally, test the new key, works fine!

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