How to get ISN off BMW 550I using VVDI2 or Vvdi Prog

Purpose: get the ISN off this module

Car: 2012 bmw 550I

Tool: vvdi2 or vvdi-programmer

Description & Question: 

Does anyone know how to get the ISN off this module using the vvdi2 or Vvdi Prog? It’s out of a 2012 bmw 550I, or can you make a key for the cas4 without the isn Like you can do the 64 starts with cas3 thanks everyone

Tips and  guide:

  1. No need to read DME on cas4 ISN is in the Dump
  2. Exactly as people mentioned here before 2012 is cas4 not cas4+ you don’t need isn from ECU/DME. The isn will show up on the cas read once you pull the cas out.
  3. you can get isn using vvdi2 dme isn
  4. Read cas4 first, if you have never done one you have a good chance of messing it up you’ll need to remove and replace up to 4 components( dont cut traces), once you have d flash a eeprom from 9s12xep100 and you load it into the tool you will know if its 4 or 4+. It is possible that even a 2011 for example has been updated to 4+. If it is 4+ then you’ll need isn from dme to decrypt cas data. I was gonna rip you for attempting this not knowing squat but then I remember u said car was wrecked so I guess it’s a decent learning opportunity.


VVDI2 have bench connection for this to read isn

Thanks to all contribution in the xhorse group:

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