How to Read MQB D70F3532 by VVDI Key Tool Plus with Solder Free Adapter?

VVDI Key ToolXhorse Adapter

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Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus Pad with MQB48 Solder Free Adapter can read MQB D70F3532 locked IMMO data no soldering, no lifting pin, no cutting wire.

Here is the operation process.

Tap IMMO Programming>> VW>> Select by type>> MQB instrument immo system>> Instrument- MQB (VDO/JCI-NEC35xx lock)>> Start programming

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This function requires a network. Connect Key Tool Plus with an available network and make sure the network connection is normal during the process.

STEP 1: Programmer reads files

Select Read NEC35xx chip>> Adapter method>> D70F3532

Follow the connection diagram to plug the Xhorse MQB48 Solder-free Adapter on the instrument, and connect VVDI Key Tool Plus Pad and MQB48 Adapter via DB15 cable

Power the adapter up with a 12V power supply

Make sure the pins aim right at and keep good contact with the points.

Otherwise, the following problems maybe occur.

1.Crystal oscillator frequency configuration failed.

There is a problem with the contacts, please reinstall the adapter.

2.Chip cracking failed

The contacts are loose.

Continue reading repeatedly.

Make sure the MQB48 Adapter and chip are connected

Start reading…

Set output voltage success

You can check the log by clicking “Show log” at the top right corner.

Read the MQB48 D70F3532 Locked IMMO data successfully. The IMMO data can be used to generate dealer key and for key learning.

Save the data file

STEP 2: Obtaining immo data

Upload the NEC35XX chip file read by this Xhorse Key Tool Plus programmer, not VVDI programmer or other KeyTool Plus.

Follow the prompt to confirm if the instrument requires external EEPROM 95320 to be loaded.

Wait about 5-10 minutes to calculate according to the network situation. Just keep patient and wait until the process is completed.


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