Key Tool Max Plus Mini OBD Tool Program SUZUKI Swift 2012 ECM BCM

VVDI Key Tool Max

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How to program SUZUKI Swift 2012-2016 ECM BCM by Xhorse Key Tool Max with Mini OBD Tool?


SUZUKI 2012-16 on Table ECM/BCM SYNC key program by MINI OBD TOOL

Plug the Mini OBD Tool into OBD2 port of the vehicle

Connect Mini OBD with Key Tool Max via Bluetooth

Select “IMMO programming”-> “Maruti Suzuki”-> “Swift”-> “2012-2016”-> “Key programming”

Press “Start execution”

Send the following ID code to the makers to your dealer to query the security code

Input the security code

After perform the function, all keys will be erased, press “OK” to continue

Hold the new key where the logo on the remote is facing and touching the start/stop button with the key

Program key successfully

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