VVDI Key Tool can unlock 7936 + copy key ID46 without a car?

VVDI Key Tool

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The purpose: ID46 transponder copying


Key tool: VVDI Keytool Xhorse



How do I unlock chip 7936

Can I copy the key without the sniff step if I make it unlocked?



Tips and guides:


This way it is not necessary to unblock key just put in option press to clone and it will give you the steps to follow .. you will need a transponder 46 for easy cloning


But there is a problem. you want to copy the key without the car …



You want to swim on rocks
Don’t try for things that have no options
You have to sniff
And you need the car



your blank chip 46 need generate first . Than copy



you must use a 7946 White I think with. That doesn’t generate you why it already brings preload



You need the car . If you unlock that chip key it will no longer start the car , it will be a virgin 7936 again .



I have use handy baby with special blue chip /king chip

First you check what vvdi support chip to clone.

Then you select also make it blank first than generate .

So i know only handy baby, i think it the same procedure


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