VVDI2 can add a new key to CAS3 Mini Cooper 2007?

Xhorse VVDI2 Key Programmer

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Mini cooper 2007 is usually CAS3/+ ??

Is same as typical BMW CAS3 and VVDI2 can add key?



With vvdi2 u can do it.

I prefer not using OBD on CAS3+ as there is always a chance to corrupt the flash during downgrading. Happened to many users before and once to me. I had to reflash the CAS. I always now do all CAS3+ on the bench.

The challenge with the Mini is the CAS is deep under the dash unlike the BMW. You will need to take the whole dash out to get to the CAS to do it on the bench.


Note: cas3+ still requires downgrading

I was referring to the encrypted ++ ISTA



DO NOT use Xtools. It’s not good for cas3 at all.
If you have VVDI2 than you good, just make sure you have good battery, jump the car while programming. No download needed if it’s not ++ISTA.
And choose ignition generat key /64 attempt, it will work for sure,
I got stuck with programmer gen key few times, it’s asking ISN and even i tup in still no good results.
Good luck

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