Xhorse Dolphin XP005L Tutorial: learn and cut Mini Cooper Key HU100R

Condor XC-Dolphin

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Car model and key type: Mini Cooper F series F54 HU100R

Purpose: learn and cut key

Key cutting machine: Xhorse Dolphin XP005L

You can see, Xhorse Dolphin XP005L come with protection cover and adjustable screen.

Smart LED indicator, LCD touch screen and smart LED indicators.

Next, show how to learn and cut HU100R key.

Select: vehicle database -> Mini -> All key blanks -> HU100R.

M5 clamp Side B Tip align No.1 position.

Look at New M5 clamp have 2 sides A and B.

Put working key on side B No. 1 position.

Back to the screen display and press “Learn Key”.


Decode key complete.

Check decode bitting with original key.

Put new key blank into clamp.

Close protection shield and press ‘Cut Key’.

Cutting key…

Cutting key completed

Compare original key and cutting key .

Change another side and press ‘Cut Key’.

Cutting key completed.

Checking keys.

Ok, key is cut successfully using Xhorse Dolphin II XP-005L XP005L Key Cutting Machine.

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